IPL Derma Pro
(IPL) Intense Pulsed Light, also known as the principle technology for epidermal photo-rejuvenation or photo-facial. IPL can be highly effective for erasing mild sun damage, freckles, irregular pigmentation, light brown spots on the face, neck, chest and back. IPL treats the epidermis with quick and powerful flashes of light. The light energy then penetrates below the skin’s surface, where the unwanted brown pigment (melanin) lives. The heat breaks down this pigment into tiny particles, which either rise to the skin’s surface or is carried away by the lymphatic system. This technology utilizes British Made Heavy Duty Cycle IPL Energy Source. Full Broad Spectrum treatments including acne, 430nm -1200nm. Intelligent IPL guides the user through the pre set software ensuring full efficacy, consistent and safe treatments.